Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We’re at Mile 2 in the SOA Marathon

According to Research 2.0, the current use of service-oriented architecture (SOA) as experimental. The research firm's report of May 31, 2007 predicts that SOA will be embraced as mainstream technology by the year 2015. However, a report by Forester contradict the statement by Research 2.0. "Forester reported in a study that 21 percent of North American and European (NA-EU) enterprises said they'll adopt SOA in 2007. It also reported that 22 percent of Asia Pacific enterprises and 14 percent of NA-EU small-to-medium businesses plan to adopt SOA in 2007". What is your prediction on the future of SOA?


Roy's Blog said...

Hung, I think their predictions are low. I believe companies (especially older/larger ones) who fail to move quickly/smartly to SOA will fall behind those who do implement SOA. Roy

IT EMIS 17 said...

I think adoption will depend on your view of SOA. Is it a technology, or is it really a development philosophy?